Why Yoga

At Open Soul Open Heart Yoga, we believe in diving deep into the heart of yoga, understanding its profound meaning beyond just physical postures and exercise. In this chapter, we take a deep dive into the essence of yoga and its profound capacity to shape and elevate our life experiences.

a wooden sign hanging from a rope on a wall
a wooden sign hanging from a rope on a wall

The Union of Body, Mind and Spirit.

Yoga, which originates from the Sanskrit word "yuj," is all about connection and union. It's about cultivating the beautiful relationship between our body, mind, and spirit. Think of it as a way to create harmony within ourselves, bringing balance and self-awareness into our existence.

Meditation: The Path to Stillness

Meditation is the heart of yoga. It's a practice that transcends the boundaries of the physical world, allowing us to delve into the domain of our thoughts and emotions. Through meditation, we learn to calm the mind, find inner peace, and connect with our true essence. It's a powerful tool for self-reflection and self-realization.

Physical Asanas: The Gateway to Inner Transformation

You may have seen yoga as a series of physical poses, and you're right. It is that, but it's also so much more. Through these gentle movements and focused breathing, we not only improve our flexibility and strength but also initiate the process of self-discovery.

Pranayama: The Bridge to Presence

Our breath is a bridge between the body and the mind. Pranayama, or breathwork, is an integral part of yoga that teaches us to channel the life force within us. By mastering our breath, we reach control over our thoughts and emotions, cultivating a sense of presence and mindfulness.

selective focus photography of green succulent plant
selective focus photography of green succulent plant

Yoga as a Way of Life

Yoga doesn't end when you roll up your mat, it continues into every moment of your life. It's like a warm and kind friend who reminds you to live with purpose, kindness, and gratitude. All about practicing self-love, compassion, and mindfulness in your daily interactions, making your life richer and more meaningful.